Do you need a permit for a dumpster in ma?

Usually, these permissions are valid for thirty days. Start with your city's Board of Health.

Do you need a permit for a dumpster in ma?

Usually, these permissions are valid for thirty days. Start with your city's Board of Health. As a rule, Massachusetts cities put this board in charge of temporary permits for garbage containers. In general, these permits are valid for thirty days, although some cities may grant extensions depending on the situation.

The Board of Health should be able to guide you on what is necessary to place a dumpster on your property. The permit usually has a minimal cost; the board is likely to be more concerned about public health. It's unlikely that your permit won't be approved unless you're discarding, for example, organic waste or excessive amounts of garbage. You may need to organize daily pickup, depending on the situation.

While state laws are fairly simple. Each city will have specific ordinances for the rental and use of garbage containers. Before renting a dumpster, it's worth doing some research. The first thing you should check is your city's health board, since it's not uncommon for temporary ordinances on garbage containers to enter your jurisdiction.

As long as you comply with the rules, you must obtain approval of your permit. Be careful when placing the garbage container. Make sure you have permission before blocking any sidewalk or street. Depending on the city or location of your property, the responsibility for obtaining the permit may lie with you or with the dumpster rental service company itself.

No contractor, company or person will supply a dumpster in the City of Haverhill for the purpose of storing, removing, or transporting garbage, trash, dispose, or other offensive substances without first obtaining a dumpster permit and a waste transportation permit from the Board of Health. In some cases, the dumpster rental company will even cover the cost of the permit, so it's even less work on your part. Identification The name of the carrier or company logo, the telephone number and a unique identification number, as well as the name of the container user, must be visible on each container. However, now that you're ready to rent a dumpster, you might be wondering if you need to get permission from the local municipal or municipal government to place the rented container.

Temporary permits for garbage containers may be issued to an owner or authorized agent for a period of time not exceeding 30 days, in connection with construction, demolition, fairs, carnivals or for other similar temporary needs. The rental services of rolling containers and garbage containers are proud to serve the South Coast for more than 35 years.