Do you need a permit for a dumpster in california?

An intrusion permit is required before placing a dumpster or temporary storage container on the public right of way. One of the most popular questions people in California who are interested in renting a rolling container ask us is whether or not they need a permit to place the container on their land.

Do you need a permit for a dumpster in california?

An intrusion permit is required before placing a dumpster or temporary storage container on the public right of way. One of the most popular questions people in California who are interested in renting a rolling container ask us is whether or not they need a permit to place the container on their land. Permits are generally only required if the container will be placed on a public street, sidewalk, or other public property. In this situation, you'll need a pass-through permit from the local public works or construction department.

We can make recommendations based on the design of your property, but here are some general guidelines to keep in mind when deciding where to place your rental dumpster in California. Take a look at the list of requirements you must meet before obtaining a permit to rent dumpsters in California. If you have a large rural property, you can't expect the dumpster company to use off-road vehicles to get to where you want to place the container. The first thing to keep in mind is that where the rented container will be deposited has a significant impact on permits.